

TGIF – Thank God It’s February!

Like many, January for me has consisted of the annual detox – so no alcohol, no food, no socialising .. no fun!

Every January, I embark on the very difficult journey of the Cambridge diet in an attempt to combat the 10 pound weight gain post-Christmas. For anyone who hasn’t heard of the Cambridge Diet, it’s pretty hard core. Instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner (and countless snacks in between) you have three Cambridge replacement products and nothing else apart from 2 ltrs of water every day. The first week is tough, but to be fair after this, you get used to it. When I diet, I need quick results or the lure of Chilli B’s lunches and chocolate is just all too much, so this is definitely the diet for me – I have lost 1 stone so far, so only a stone to go!

Now it’s February, I am going to allow myself a few treats now and then … Next Tuesday we are celebrating Emily’s birthday at bump HQ and I literally couldn’t be more excited for a Chilli B’s lunch and a big slice of cake. I can’t tell you how many times I have studied this menu to contemplate what I am going to have February is also looking a little more promising on the social calendar too, which will hopefully mean the end of January blues. I have a night out with friends in London planned, the theatre and my wedding tasting this month. I am super excited for my wedding tasting, definitely going to try as many canapés and ‘dessert trios’ as physically possible. Finally early March, I am off skiing for a week with the family, where I plan to counter balance the red wine and cheese consumption against skiing for at least 8 hours a day! So lots to look forward to


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With just six months to go until my ‘Big Day’, it’s all getting very real now and I suddenly feel a little overwhelmed with all the different elements I need to do before it’s here, so I need to stay focussed on the diet. I don’t think I will be able to forgive myself if I look back at my photos and my figure doesn’t resemble something like the below…

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I am sure it will all be worth it… Despite some obvious pressures, a job list a mile long and a few politics, I am confident it will be the best day ever and I can’t wait to celebrate with all those we care about in one place! Now all we need is to pray for some lovely sunshine. After the big day, we are off on our honeymoon, where I will be sure to make up for the indulgences I missed out on for the first seven months of year, within two weeks. If Las Vegas and Mexico can’t provide my fill of cocktails, ice creams and all-inclusive meals, I don’t know where can!

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